Niels Mulder

A place to list the things I've worked on



About Me



PTSWGD is a group of (former) CS students working together to develop a game in Unity. I’m programming parts of the game honing my C# skills, as well as creating the project site. In this role, I’ve learned how to set up a GitHub page using Jekyll. Tinkering with Jekyll and GitHub pages has been fun (and a bit frustrating at times).

ICLON DAL Reporter

For the ICLON (Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching), I’m currently working on an application that automates the pipeline for aggregating course evaluation data. In this role, I’ve been working with Python (for user selection, UI and output generation) and MySQL (for data fetching). Users can select what faculty, course and period to evaluate and can save the results in a few preset (Excel) reports.


For the Faculty of Archaeology of Leiden University I developed a metadata generation/aggregation tool. This tool, written in Java, automates metadata collection for (large) datasets in compliance with the KNAW Dans - sword format. To accomplish this, Archie evaluates a dataset on metadata, offers an overview where users can add and edit certain data (with the option to propagate the changes through underlying files) and offers multiple export options for depositing in different repositories.

Games and gamejams


Together with Yannick Meijer, I created a silly puzzling game in a week while learning Unity. It utilizes pathfinding, a weird story and funky controls. (That’s a good save for having terrible controls, right?).

Evil Shapeshifters

Together with Jorim van der Wal, I created a simple and short game over the course of a weekend. It’s very rough around the edges (why did I choose that font for the UI?), but I got to work with XNA again after some time of not touching it. It was probably the last time I will ever use it, seeing as MonoGame is a thing now (and Unity is quite a bit nicer to work with anyway).

Other random stuff

Draft Viewer Improver

I have a bit of an obsession with Magic: The Gathering. Whenever a Pro Tour is on, some of the draft pods are published online, pick-by-pick. While this is pretty cool, the tool is old and has a terrible UI. I wrote a small JavaScript bookmark thingy that automatically cycles through showing a pick and going to the next pick/pack/player.