Niels Mulder

A place to list the things I've worked on



About Me

About Me

Hi! I’m Niels Mulder, a Games and Media Technology student at Utrecht University. I started studying Astrophysics in 2014, and switched to Computer Science in the following year. While looking at the stars and discovering oxygen on some far away Earth-like planet had always been a dream, Computer Science has proven to be a better fit for me since it’s a little bit more hands on. Recently, I finished the Computer Science bachelor, with a minor in game design and game technology, and moved on to the Games and Media Technology master programme. In the past few years, I’ve learned about the basics of Computer Science, I wrote a raytracer, I dipped my toes in artificial intelligence, I wrote some data processing programs for Leiden University, and I followed a Gamedesign minor at the HKU.

Within computer science, I like learning new languages. While my German has deteriorated to a level where I’m embarrassed trying to speak it, I’ve become somewhat fluent in quite a few programming languages. My main focus has been on C# and Python, but I’ve also worked quite extensively with Java and Kotlin and JavaScript and JQuery, and I gained some basic understanding of C++ and Haskell.

I have created a few games using XNA and Unity, and currently I’m working with Jekyll to create some basic websites, and with to create somewhat more extensive sites.

In my spare time, I like playing games. I mostly enjoy multiplayer games and boardgames, and I’ve been a little bit obsessed with Magic: The Gathering lately.